Showing all 29 results

  • Adopt Alex

    Alex is a resident Alpine dingo at Kaarakin. He is very much the big brother to Amy, and they love to explore the park during their daily walks together.


  • Adopt Junda

    Junda was born at Kaarakin and is our youngest dingo.

    He’s also an Alpine, meaning he’s found in the high country of Victoria and New South Wales.

    He spends his days trying his hardest to annoy his auntie, Nala. Junda’s a mischievous boy, who thinks he is big and tough, but deep down he’s one big teddy bear who’s quick to roll over for a belly rub.


  • Adopt Narla

    Narla is one of our alpine dingoes. She grew up just down the road from our centre but was lucky enough to join us in 2021 to keep an eye on her nephew and yard buddy, Junda.

    She’s a vocal girl, who loves a chest scratch and game of chase around her enclosure, and we think you won’t find a dingo with a bigger smile than Narla.

  • Adopt Shadow

    Shadow is one of the pups from our 2017 litter. We’re lucky enough to have him and his sister at the centre.

    He’s a quiet and shy boy who loves nothing more than a cuddle and pat. He always wants to have you close but is known to howl when you leave him. On his daily walks he’s always got his nose to the ground ensuring he’s our lead border patrol officer.


  • Adopt Sophie

    Sophie is one of our four desert dingoes and only two black and tan dingoes. She was born at the centre to mum Mia
    alongside her brother Woosha. She’s almost 11 but don’t let those greys fool you, she’s still a pup at heart and loves nothing more than an egg and a bum scratch.

  • Adopt Amy

    Amy is a resident Alpine dingo at Kaarakin, the sister of Alex. She is very affectionate and loves meeting visitors during our tour weekends, as well as her daily walks.


  • Adopt Betty

    Betty was rescued as a fledgling. Betty is a very shy girl. She is best friends with Ozzie, our other female samueli, and she loves sitting quietly on your shoulder while Ozzie gets all the attention!


  • Adopt Denmark

    Denmark is one of the few talkers at Kaarakin. He is something of a TV superstar, having featured several times in
    filming done at Perth Zoo to highlight the wonderful work they do in helping Kaarakin care for injured
    wild black cockatoos.
    He often flirts shamelessly with Betty, one of our female red-tailed black cockatoos, but unfortunately she shows no interest
    in his attention! Denmark is very close friends with Cathie the other male Carnaby’s in our interactive aviary.


  • Adopt Fluffbum

    FluffBum lives with our other friendly black cockatoos in Kaarakin’s interactive aviary. He’ll adopt you, not the other way round!

    Abandoned as a baby, FluffBum came to Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre at just a few weeks old. He was hand-reared and tube fed with 24-hour care. As a result, he bonded with humans very quickly.
    FluffBum is a volunteer favourite. He loves a good cuddle and a scratch, So much so that he often will not let you leave the aviary, wanting to stay close to you so you can give him all your attention.
    FluffBum’s photo is on display in the WA museum Boola Bardip where he represents his subspecies of Red-tailed black cockatoo found only here in the south west of Western Australia.

  • Adopt Henry

    A bird with a little mystery Henry is a sweet cockatoo that follows you around stopping at your feet to say hello. Learn more about Henry by adopting him!

  • Adopt Cathie

    A long-term resident of Kaarakin, Cathie is a male Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo living in our interactive aviary.

    He is easily distinguished by his right foot deformity that saw him deemed a permanent resident since arriving as a fledgling in 2008.
    Very cheeky, he is one of the first birds to the bowl for breakfast. He likes to ‘talk’ and flirt with the female Carnaby Simone.

  • Adopt Katanning

    Katanning is one of the earliest residents of Kaarakin Black Cockatoo Conservation Centre. Katanning can often be heard whistling and flirting with the many visitors and volunteers that come to see him, and is always happy when volunteers come down to keep him company at morning tea.

  • Adopt Missy

    Missy came to Kaarakin for rehabilitation after a run-in with ravens. She is extremely friendly and a natural in charming an audience!


  • Adopt Muffy

    Muffy is unique at Kaarakin – a beautiful and colourful Major Mitchell cockatoo who is a friend to our local black cockatoo residents.


  • Adopt Denni

    Denni is one of our three cream Alpine dingoes and we have to say a most special girl. She acts as the ‘protector’ of our dingoes; always cautious, being sure to keep her distance from most people. However, when she lets her guard down Denni loves a good chest rub!

    Denni is from the same litter as our ambassador dingoes, Alex and Amy, and came to us in 2017 to join one of our late dingoes, Bonza



  • Adopt Mia

    Mia is our 12 year old matriarch desert dingo. Coming to us as a puppy from the wild she is sometimes picky with her human friends but once she accepts you it’s eternal love. She’s excitable and talkative and always greets us with a jump and a smile. Visitors to our tour days will get to experience Mia with her son Woosha and may get to hear her bark, a secret talent of hers she learned from growing up next door to a German shepherd.



  • Adopt Nelly

    Nelly was found as a fledgling in 2013 abandoned, very thin and in need of care. He now lives in the interactive aviary at Kaarakin. Learn more about Nelly by adopting him!

  • Adopt Opal

    Opal was found in 2015 as a weak fledgling in Marrickville Park, New South Wales.  She came to Western Australia thanks to a crowdfunding campaign.

    Opal has quickly adapted to our local diet and is now friends with Kaarakin’s other yellow-tailed black cockatoo, Yeti. Opal
    is larger than the others as she is a member of the northern funereus sub-species.

  • Adopt Ozzie

    Ozzie is the “Queen” of the interactive aviary, and a crowd favourite as she is very affectionate. She will often claim a visitor as her own and will be quite possessive of them with the other birds, but she will allow her best friend Betty to share her special person.


  • Adopt Randy

    Randy lives with our other friendly black cockatoos in the purpose-built Interactive Aviary, where his gentle nature makes him a favourite with visitors.

  • Adopt Rex

    Rex is inseparable from her best friend ‘Muffy’, a Pink cockatoo. She arrived at Kaarakin with
    Muffy having been hit by a car when very young and sustained multiple wing injuries, resulting in an inability to fly.

    Rex is one of our education superstars who travel around the Perth area to educate and entertain the community about conservation and WA’s threatened black cockatoos.

  • Adopt Simone

    Simone is a Kaarakin resident of over 11 years. She is an independent female Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo, living in the interactive aviary with her companion Cathie who is a male Carnaby’s Black Cockatoo.

    Simone is known for her unique spotted tail feathers.

  • Balar

    Balar, a forest red-tailed black cockatoo, was born on the 20th of April 2020. While we don’t encourage our resident cockatoos to breed, Balar was none the less a lovely surprise and a well kept secret by mum Wubby. Because of this we named him “Balar” meaning “secret” in Noongar.

    Balar integrated into the flock very well, with all the birds in the interactive aviary being very patient with his mischievous personality.

    You will often see Balar perched up high in our interactive aviary with Ozzie by his side, though he will come down and sit on your visitors heads while he enjoys a gum nut.

  • Adopt Skye

    Skye is Kaarakin’s resident fashion victim – if you visit her in the interactive aviary, she will quickly restyle your buttons and jewellery with her beak!

  • Adopt Squawk

    Meet Squawk and his fantastic crest! Squawk was found in 2018 in Sawyers Valley on the ground and unable to fly. He now lives in the interactive aviary at Kaarakin.

  • Adopt Squeek

    Softly spoken Squeek, was named as unlike others of her raucous species she only makes a quiet “squeek”. Squeek lives in the interactive aviary. Learn more about Squeek by adopting her!

  • Adopt Woosha

    Woosha is a Pilbara dingo. He grew up with siblings Bonza and Sophie. Their parents, Max and Mia, came from east of Newman.

    As a pup, Woosha behaved similarly to any other Canine, as he grew, his true nature as a wild animal began to show – although
    if he accepts you, he’d love nothing better than to go on a walk with you!

  • Adopt Wubby

    Wubby one of the three lovely Red Tail Black Cockatoo ladies that call the interactive aviary at Kaarakin home. Learn more about Wubby by adopting her!

  • Adopt Wubby and Balar

    These are our resident mother and baby Red-Tail Black Cockatoos who call our interactive aviary home. They love snuggling together and snacking on gum nuts. Find out more about Wubby and baby Balar by adopting them!
